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Age: 7 Years

Pet Peeves

  • Thunder
  • Fireworks
  • Skateboards, bicycles, and roller skates.


This is Muffin. I started taking care of her when she was a day old. Her mom was a stray my friend picked up. She looked like a red nosed Pit. 3 weeks after being picked up, she had 10 puppies, 8 were brindle with white markings, and two were white with brindle markings. Down the street from where Mama Dog was found, was a farm that had several Bull Mastiff dogs, so we're assuming she was visiting them. She is turning 7 on Jan 5, 2010. When I decided to keep her, I figured she would look ferocious so I gave her the sweetest name possible. Trust me, she lives up to her name. Pit bulls have a bad rap, but together we're slowly changing the minds of people who are uneducated on the breed.

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